ก่อนอื่นก็ต้องขอขอบคุณข้อมูลที่ได้รับมาจากคุณโกสินทร์ ไตรนิคม และ บริษัทไปรษณีย์ไทยจำกัด เป็นอย่างสูงมา ณ ที่นี้ด้วยครับ สำหรับโปรเจคนี้ก็ไม่มีคำอธิบายอะไรมาก เพราะเดิมเคยแจกเป็นโค้ดทั้ง VB6 และ VB.NET มาตั้งนานหลายปีแล้ว พอหลังจากย้ายทั้งโฮสต์ใหม่ เปลี่ยนทั้งเว็บบอร์ดใหม่ ก็เลยพึ่งได้นำมาลงใหม่อีกครั้งครับผม ...
สำหรับผู้ใช้งานทั่วไป ดาวน์โหลดโปรแกรมรหัสไปรษณีย์ทั่วไทย แบบไม่ต้องติดตั้งได้ที่นี่ ...
โค้ดจากฟอร์มหลัก ...
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Developer : Mr.Surapon Yodsanga (Thongkorn Tubtimkrob)
- ' / eMail : thongkorn@hotmail.com
- ' / URL: http://www.g2gnet.com (Khon Kaen - Thailand)
- ' / Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/g2gnet (For Thailand)
- ' / Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/commonindy (Worldwide)
- ' / Purpose: Thailand Postcode with VB.Net.
- ' / Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (2010) & MS Access 2007+
- ' /
- ' / This is open source code under @CopyLeft by Thongkorn Tubtimkrob.
- ' / You can modify and/or distribute without to inform the developer.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Imports System.Data.OleDb
- Public Class frmPostCode
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Collect all searches and impressions. Come in the same place
- ' / blnSearch = True, Show that the search results.
- ' / blnSearch is set to False, Show all records.
- Private Sub RetrieveData(Optional ByVal blnSearch As Boolean = False)
- strSQL = _
- " SELECT PostCode.PostCodeID, PostCode.Tumbon, PostCode.Amphur, " & _
- " PostCode.Province, PostCode.PostCode, PostCode.Remark " & _
- " FROM PostCode "
- '// blnSearch = True for Serach
- If blnSearch Then
- strSQL = strSQL & _
- " WHERE " & _
- " [Tumbon] " & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%'" & " OR " & _
- " [Amphur] " & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%'" & " OR " & _
- " [Province] " & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%'" & " OR " & _
- " [PostCode] " & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%'" & " OR " & _
- " [Remark] " & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%'" & _
- " ORDER BY PostCodeID "
- Else
- strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY PostCodeID "
- End If
- '//
- If Conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then Conn.Open()
- DA = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, Conn)
- DS = New DataSet
- DS.Clear()
- DA.Fill(DS, "PostCode")
- dgvData.DataSource = DS.Tables("PostCode")
- lblRecordCount.Text = "[จำนวน : " & dgvData.RowCount & " รายการ]"
- '//
- Call InitializeGrid()
- '//
- DA.Dispose()
- DS.Dispose()
- Conn.Close()
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Quick search data by specifying keyword.
- Private Sub txtSearch_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtSearch.TextChanged
- '// Undesirable characters for the database ex. ', * or %
- txtSearch.Text = Replace(Trim(txtSearch.Text), "'", "")
- txtSearch.Text = Replace(Trim(txtSearch.Text), "%", "")
- txtSearch.Text = Replace(Trim(txtSearch.Text), "*", "")
- If Trim(txtSearch.Text) = "" Or Len(Trim(txtSearch.Text)) = 0 Then Return
- '//
- If Conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then Conn.Open()
- strSQL = _
- " SELECT PostCode.PostCodeID, PostCode.Tumbon, PostCode.Amphur, " & _
- " PostCode.Province, PostCode.PostCode, PostCode.Remark " & _
- " FROM PostCode " & _
- " WHERE " & _
- " [Tumbon] " & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%'" & " OR " & _
- " [Amphur] " & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%'" & " OR " & _
- " [Province] " & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%'" & " OR " & _
- " [PostCode] " & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%'" & " OR " & _
- " [Remark] " & " Like '%" & txtSearch.Text & "%'" & _
- " ORDER BY PostCodeID "
- Cmd = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, Conn)
- DR = Cmd.ExecuteReader
- DT = New DataTable
- DT.Load(DR)
- dgvData.DataSource = DT
- lblRecordCount.Text = "[จำนวน : " & dgvData.RowCount & " รายการ]"
- Call InitializeGrid()
- '//
- DT.Dispose()
- DR.Close()
- Conn.Close()
- '//
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub InitializeGrid()
- With dgvData
- .Columns(0).HeaderText = "PostCodeID"
- .Columns(0).Visible = False
- '//
- .Columns(1).HeaderText = "ตำบล"
- .Columns(2).HeaderText = "อำเภอ"
- .Columns(3).HeaderText = "จังหวัด"
- .Columns(4).HeaderText = "รหัสไปรษณีย์"
- .Columns(5).HeaderText = "หมายเหตุ"
- .Columns(5).Visible = False
- ' Autosize Column
- .AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill
- .AutoResizeColumns()
- '// Even-Odd Color
- .AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue
- ' Adjust Header Styles
- With .ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle
- .BackColor = Color.Navy
- .ForeColor = Color.Black ' Color.White
- .Font = New Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
- End With
- End With
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Clear screen
- Private Sub SetupScreen()
- txtTumbon.Clear()
- txtAmphur.Clear()
- txtProvince.Clear()
- txtPostCode.Clear()
- txtRemark.Clear()
- txtSearch.Clear()
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Double click to edit item.
- ' / By pulling data from the DataGridView to display. Do not go to the database again.
- Private Sub dgvData_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dgvData.DoubleClick
- Call SetupScreen()
- '//
- Dim iRow As Integer
- '// Read the value of the focus row.
- iRow = dgvData.CurrentRow.Index
- '// Column 0 --> PostCodeID (Primary Key) but hidden it.
- txtTumbon.Text = "" & dgvData.Item(1, iRow).Value
- txtAmphur.Text = "" & dgvData.Item(2, iRow).Value
- txtProvince.Text = "" & dgvData.Item(3, iRow).Value
- txtPostCode.Text = "" & dgvData.Item(4, iRow).Value
- txtRemark.Text = "" & dgvData.Item(5, iRow).Value
- '//
- txtTumbon.Focus()
- End Sub
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Copy from Textbox to clipboard.
- Private Sub btnClipboard_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClipboard.Click
- Clipboard.SetText(txtTumbon.Text & vbCrLf & txtAmphur.Text & vbTab & txtProvince.Text & vbTab & txtPostCode.Text)
- End Sub
- Private Sub frmPostCode_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
- Call ConnectDataBase()
- lblRecordCount.Text = ""
- End Sub
- Private Sub frmPostCode_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
- Me.Dispose()
- Application.Exit()
- End Sub
- Private Sub btnRefresh_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRefresh.Click
- Call RetrieveData(False)
- txtSearch.Clear()
- End Sub
- Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
- Me.Close()
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtTumbon_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtTumbon.KeyPress
- If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
- '// No beep
- e.Handled = True
- '// Focus to next control.
- SendKeys.Send("{TAB}")
- Else
- '// Prevent any key press (Lock)
- e.Handled = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtAmphur_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtAmphur.KeyPress
- If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
- '// No beep
- e.Handled = True
- SendKeys.Send("{TAB}")
- Else
- '// Prevent any key press (Lock)
- e.Handled = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtProvince_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtProvince.KeyPress
- If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
- '// No beep
- e.Handled = True
- SendKeys.Send("{TAB}")
- Else
- '// Prevent any key press (Lock)
- e.Handled = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtPostCode_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtPostCode.KeyPress
- If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
- '// No beep
- e.Handled = True
- SendKeys.Send("{TAB}")
- Else
- '// Prevent any key press (Lock)
- e.Handled = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub txtRemark_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtRemark.KeyPress
- If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
- '// No beep
- e.Handled = True
- SendKeys.Send("{TAB}")
- Else
- '// Prevent any key press (Lock)
- e.Handled = True
- End If
- End Sub
- End Class
โมดูลหากิน modDataBase.vb ...
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Developer : Mr.Surapon Yodsanga (Thongkorn Tubtimkrob)
- ' / eMail : thongkorn@hotmail.com
- ' / URL: http://www.g2gnet.com (Khon Kaen - Thailand)
- ' / Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/g2gnet (For Thailand)
- ' / Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/commonindy (Worldwide)
- ' / Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (2010)
- ' /
- ' / This is open source code under @Copyleft by Thongkorn Tubtimkrob.
- ' / You can modify and/or distribute without to inform the developer.
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Imports System.Data.OleDb
- Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
- Module modDataBase
- '// Declare variable one time but use many times.
- Public Conn As OleDbConnection
- Public Cmd As OleDbCommand
- Public DS As DataSet
- Public DR As OleDbDataReader
- Public DA As OleDbDataAdapter
- Public DT As DataTable
- Public strSQL As String '// Major SQL
- Public strStmt As String '// Minor SQL
- '// Data Path
- Public strPathData As String = MyPath(Application.StartupPath)
- Public Function ConnectDataBase() As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
- strPathData = MyPath(Application.StartupPath)
- Dim strConn As String = _
- "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;"
- strConn += _
- "Data Source = " & strPathData & "PostCodeThailand.accdb"
- Conn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(strConn)
- ' Create Connection
- Conn.ConnectionString = strConn
- ' Return
- Return Conn
- End Function
- ' / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' / Get my project path
- ' / AppPath = C:\My Project\bin\debug
- ' / Replace "\bin\debug" with ""
- ' / Return : C:\My Project\
- Function MyPath(AppPath As String) As String
- '/ MessageBox.Show(AppPath);
- AppPath = AppPath.ToLower()
- '/ Return Value
- MyPath = AppPath.Replace("\bin\debug", "").Replace("\bin\release", "").Replace("\bin\x86\debug", "")
- '// If not found folder then put the \ (BackSlash) at the end.
- If Right(MyPath, 1) <> "" Then MyPath = MyPath & ""
- End Function
- End Module
ดาวน์โหลดโค้ดต้นฉบับแบบเต็ม VB.NET (2010) ได้ที่นี่ ...
ขออภัย! โพสต์นี้มีไฟล์แนบหรือรูปภาพที่ไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้คุณเข้าถึง
คุณจำเป็นต้อง ลงชื่อเข้าใช้ เพื่อดาวน์โหลดหรือดูไฟล์แนบนี้ คุณยังไม่มีบัญชีใช่ไหม? ลงทะเบียน